Thursday, June 21, 2007

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April 27 - May 15, 2007
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Exhibition of students of ALU, Zagreb & LMU, London
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Lucy Carew, Jonathan Gabb, Nicholas Lockyer, Lorna Macmillan, Anja Malec, Myrna Martini, Wendy McLean, Tomislav Mostecak, Dina Roncevic, Nives Sertic, Natasha Stanbridge, Mateja Sabic, Trevor Taylor, Lea Vidakovic
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The exhibition presents the process and outcomes of a two-week student exchange project between London Metropolitan University and Zagreb Academy of Fine Arts. There were fourteen students taking part, seven from each University.
During the first week, students from Zagreb visited London, and in the second week the students from London came to Zagreb. During this time, besides attending presentations of each other’s work and being introduced to various galleries and museums, the students have participated in the ongoing programmes of the host universities.

The project has included students giving guided tours/walks (both of their home town, and the town they visit) for their visiting peers. This is a way of making the possible thematic of such an exchange manifest and articulated – i.e. tourism, translation, the ‘other’, outsider/insider.
In addition, the project has also included each group of students preparing packs of written material, images, articles, quotes, sketches, etc. that have informed their own practice. These packs of information were then sent by post to the other side prior to the visits.
The themes of the project are not specifically set, although students have been given specific texts, and have been offered the following as areas for reflection: language, translation, tourism, nomadism, travel, spectacle, other and othering, dislocation, adventure.

This is the second of what is conceived to develop into a series of ongoing exchange projects between the two Universities.

Project supervisors and coordinators: Ben Cain and Nicole Hewitt.

London Metropolitan University, Academy of Fine Arts Zagreb, Galerija Miroslav Kraljevic, Zagreb University Student Union, and the City of Zagreb have supported the project.